The MAX24287ETK+ is a specific part number for the MAX24287E 3.3V CAN transceiver with integrated ±80V fault protection, manufactured by Maxim Integrated. Here are some details about the part:
(1.)Manufacturer: Maxim Integrated
(2.)Part Number: MAX24287ETK+
(3.)Description: 3.3V CAN Transceiver with Integrated ±80V Fault Protection
(4.)Supply Voltage Range: 3.0V to 3.6V
(5.)High-Speed CAN Data Rate: Up to 1 Mbps
(6.)Fault Voltage Range: ±80V on CANH and CANL bus pins
(7.)ESD Protection: ±16 kV (Human Body Model) on bus pins
(8.)Wake-Up Functionality: Supports wake-up detection on the bus
(9.)Package Type: 16-pin Thin QFN (TQFN)
(10.)Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +125°C
(11.)RoHS Compliance: Yes
Please note that the above details are based on general information and may not include all the specifications and features of the MAX24287ETK+. For more comprehensive and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to the datasheet provided by Maxim Integrated or contact their technical support or authorized distributors. The datasheet will provide detailed specifications, pin configurations, and application-specific information for the MAX24287ETK+ transceiver.
The MAX24287ETK+ is a specific part number for the MAX24287E 3.3V CAN transceiver with integrated ±80V fault protection, which is manufactured by Maxim Integrated. Here are some parameters and features of the MAX24287ETK+:
(1.)Supply Voltage: The MAX24287ETK+ operates with a supply voltage range of 3.0V to 3.6V.
(2.)Fault Protection: It features integrated fault protection, with a fault voltage range of ±80V on the CANH and CANL bus pins.
(3.)CAN Bus Compatibility: The MAX24287ETK+ is compliant with the ISO 11898 standard for CAN communication, making it suitable for use in CAN networks.
(4.)High-Speed Data Rates: It supports high-speed CAN data rates of up to 1 Mbps.
(5.)ESD Protection: The transceiver provides ±16 kV Human Body Model (HBM) ESD protection on the bus pins.
(6.)Wake-Up Functionality: The MAX24287ETK+ supports wake-up functionality, allowing it to detect activity on the bus and wake up the system when needed.
(7.)Package Type: The MAX24287ETK+ comes in a 16-pin thin QFN (TQFN) package, which provides compact size and easy surface-mount assembly.
These are some of the parameters and features associated with the MAX24287ETK+. For more detailed information, including pin configurations, electrical characteristics, and application-specific details, I recommend referring to the datasheet provided by Maxim Integrated. The datasheet will provide comprehensive information specific to the MAX24287ETK+ and assist you in integrating it into your design.
Note: It's important to refer to the latest datasheet available from the manufacturer's website or authorized distributors to ensure you have the most up-to-date and accurate information for the MAX24287ETK+.